Pascale Fung is the Director of HKUST Center for AI Research (CAiRE), an interdisciplinary research center on top of all four schools at HKUST. She is a Professor in the Department of Electronic & Computer Engineering and Department of Computer Science & Engineering at The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology (HKUST). She is an elected Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) for her “contributions to human-machine interactions”, and an elected Fellow of the International Speech Communication Association for “fundamental contributions to the interdisciplinary area of spoken language human-machine interactions”.
She co-founded the Human Language Technology Center (HLTC) and is an affiliated faculty with the Robotics Institute and the Big Data Institute at HKUST. She is the founding chair of the Women Faculty Association at HKUST. She is an expert on the Global Future Council of the World Economic Forum.
She is an expert advisor on the United Nations panel on Autonomous Weapons and has been invited to advise the governments of the EU, Japan, India, UAE, etc. She represents HKUST on Partnership on AI to Benefit People and Society and is on the Advisory Board of Building Agile Governance for AI & Robotics (BGI4AI).

Pascale FUNG
Chair Professor
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
Professor Kellee S. Tsai joined Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) in 2013 as Head of the Division of Social Science, and was appointed Dean of the School of Humanities and Social Science in July 2018.
Before coming to HKUST, Prof Tsai served as Vice Dean of Humanities and Social Science (2010-2013), Director of the East Asian Studies Program (2008-10), and Professor of Political Science at Johns Hopkins University (2000-13).
Trained as a political scientist (PhD, Columbia University), Prof Tsai is the author or co-author of dozens of articles and five books, including Back-Alley Banking: Private Entrepreneurs in China (Cornell, 2002), Japan and China in the World Political Economy (co-edited with Saadia Pekkanen, Routledge, 2005), Capitalism without Democracy: The Private Sector in Contemporary China (Cornell, 2007) and State Capitalism, Institutional Adaptation, and the Chinese Miracle (co-edited with Barry Naughton, Cambridge, 2015). Her research on informal finance, local development, private entrepreneurship, and migration in China and India has been supported by competitive grants from the American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS), Committee on Scholarly Communication with China (CSCC), Ford Foundation, Fulbright-Hays, Harvard Academy for International and Area Studies, National Science Foundation (NSF), and Hong Kong SAR Research Grants Council (RGC).
Tsai previously worked at the New York offices of Morgan Stanley and Women’s World Banking, and has consulted for the World Bank’s Consultative Group to Assist the Poorest (CGAP), venture capital firms, and government subcontractors.

Associate Director
Kellee TSAI
School of Humanities and Social Science
Chair Professor
Division of Social Science, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
Dr. Qifeng Chen is an assistant professor of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering and the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He received his Ph.D. in computer science from Stanford University in 2017. He has more than 50 papers published/accepted in top conferences and journals. He is named one of 35 Innovators under 35 in China in 2018 by MIT Technology Review. He won the Google Faculty Research Award 2018. He won the 2nd place worldwide at the ACM-ICPC World Finals in 2011 and a gold Medal in IOI 2007. He co-founded the startup Lino in 2017.