After decades of research and development, AI is poised to disrupt every industry in every walk of human life, from the financial industry, the health and medical industry, the retail industry, the legal industry, the creative industry, journalism, to the future of work and even human rights. We have seen significant progress in AI through the combined advancement of GPU platforms, availability of Big Data, and machine learning algorithms like neural networks. AI impacts humans directly and will continue to do so in our future. Its potential impact is immeasurable and the consequences dire if we do not start to focus on the research and development of AI for the benefit of humans and society.
The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology has a core group of engineering faculty members with research focus on speech, natural language processing, computer vision, machine learning, and data analytics. Our science faculty work on the mathematics of machine learning, and application areas such as health and medicine. Currently the schools of engineering, science, and business & management are collaborating on using AI for ethical Fintech. Our Division of Social Science and Humanities have experts on social impacts and humanities. We have extensive theoretical and applied research in different areas of AI. In addition to research, we work in close collaborations with top international industry players in AI applications. Meanwhile, we need to design ethical principles of AI to take into account the culture and philosophy of Asian societies so that companies are motivated to adhere and aspire to such principles. To achieve this, international exchange of ideas in AI should extend beyond the purely technical to discussions of social impact and ethical practices.

Partnership on AI