
AI and Art: Tech Crash Course in Zuni Icosahedron


AI and Art: Tech Crash Course in Zuni Icosahedron

23 Oct 2021 (Sat)

2:30pm - 2:30pm

Speaker: Prof. Pascale Fung (Director, CAiRE, HKUST)

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During the past few years AI and deep learning has been popularized by availability of Big Data and cheap GPUs allowing machines to automatically learn hierarchical feature representations. AI is used for tasks like speech recognition, computer vision, machine translation, dialog systems or chatbots. But can AI be applied to art? There have been several attempts to use deep learning in computer vision to produce symbolic images such as pictures created by Deep Dream neural network. More recently AI has been used for plot and movie generation or as a part of art installations.

In this short lecture prof. Pascale Fung will challenge the notion of creativity as a human trait by presenting some of the groundbreaking research on AI and art that was created with collaboration with Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing.
